DLBP secures permission for new family home on vacant Brownfield site within the Green Belt

DLBP is delighted to have secured planning permission for a new family home on a former water treatment site within the green belt and the setting of a Grade II listed building, in Brentwood, Essex.

Prior to DLBP’s involvement, our client submitted a scheme proposing two homes to the Council for its view as part of a formal pre-application enquiry, which the Council considered would be harmful to the openness of the green belt.

Following that response, DLBP were approached to carry out a detailed review of the pre-application submission and response to advise our client how best to amend the scheme to improve their prospect of securing planning permission.

Having undertaken our review, we recommended amending the scheme to propose one family-sized home, and supporting any future application with additional evidence justifying why the scheme would be acceptable in green belt terms

DLBP then led on the preparation of a full planning application, part of which involved us coordinating a project team of CBA Chartered Architects, The Ecology Co-op, GO Contaminated Land Solutions Ltd and SJAtrees, to ensure all technical matters were addressed.

Acting as agent for the application, we liaised closely with the Council and responded to all queries arising from technical consultees.  This included us addressing a holding objection from the Council’s Heritage officer regarding potential harm to a nearby listed building, by recommending additional new planting and providing high quality visuals to demonstrate the scheme would have a neutral impact at most.

The Council agreed with our assessment that the new home would qualify as appropriate development in the green belt, such planning permission was granted on this sensitive and complex site.