DLBP obtains Lawful Development Certificate for existing flat in north London

DLBP is very pleased to have secured another Lawful Development Certificate on behalf of a new client confirming the lawful use of a ground floor flat in Haringey, north London.

Having read about our recent success securing a Lawful Development Certificate for a basement flat in the Borough, DLBP was approached by a new client seeking to regularise the use of a self-contained flat to the rear of their commercial property.

To assist, DLBP clearly explained the types of evidence required to demonstrate the flat to have been in continuous use for at least four years (as required at the time), and reviewed all evidence provided by the client to establish the strength their case.  Having established there to be a very good record of uninterrupted use, we incorporated all relevant evidence into a Supporting Statement to accompany the application, clearly setting out why the Certificate of Lawfulness should be granted.

Following submission of the application, we then liaised closely with the Council to ensure it had all necessary evidence to complete its assessment and approve the application, which it did so within just 15 days (rather than the usual 8 week timeframe)!

DLBP is delighted to have assisted our client in receiving this successful result so swiftly, and thank them for their kind words:

I will definitely use your firm again, and have no hesitation to introduce you to others”.

If you have undertaken works that do not benefit from planning permission and would like to understand how they could be regularised, contact Rebekah Gibson, Senior Planner, on 07917 953621 or via email at rebekahgibson@dlbp.uk.