DLBP is pleased to announce that we have secured full planning permission to provide an additional self-contained flat on the second floor at 47-49 Church Street, Enfield, London. This permission has been secured despite concerns over the proposals impact on the Enfield Town Conservation Area.
Our client initially instructed us to provide a planning appraisal of the site in question, a three-storeyterraced property in the centre of Enfield with a ground floor shop, first floor offices, and a second floor flat. Our appraisal identified all relevant planning designations and constraints, evaluating the prospects of success for a range of development options. Following our appraisal, we were instructed to prepare and submit a planning application to maximise the development potential of the second floor of the site.
Once submitted, we monitored the application throughout the consultation period, during which only one objection was received - the Council’s Heritage Officer was concerned that the proposal would add significant bulk to the existing property, failing to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area.
We prepared a letter to address this concern, stressing how the benefits of the scheme would outweigh any potential harm. We then negotiated with the case officer, who was compelled to agree that the planning balance weighed in favour of our application and therefore planning permission would be granted.
In addition, we assisted our client to complete a section 106 agreement, securing the approved scheme as a car-free development (in accordance with the development plan). We acted as liaison between the Council and client to avoid any unnecessary delays in issuing the permission.
We are delighted that the case officer approved planning permission, and we are proud to have acted for our client throughout, from the initial site appraisal to preparing and submitting the application, and ultimately in securing planning permission for this sensitive site.