Happy World Planning Day from DLBP!

Today is World Town Planning Day, which is the perfect time to celebrate how DLBP helps to improve the lives of people in the UK and US by creating high-quality and safe places for people to thrive at home, work or in a social setting.

Our team have been reflecting on some of our work over the years.

Conversion of heritage assets

We are currently leading a planning and listed building consent application to convert a disused brewery into 38 new homes.  Our Director of Planning, Andrew Ryley and Senior Planner, Henry Dunleavy have been co-ordinating the scheme to ensure it is sensitively designed to respect the historic setting of the site, and responds to flood risk and ecology constraints, whilst delivering much needed housing to the local area.

Acting as the agent for a major planning application for the large-scale redevelopment of a disused brewery site in Old Amersham to provide 38 new homes has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my career.  It has helped to broaden my horizons not only in town planning but also in understanding the complex environmental and political issues surrounding the development sector.  It is incredibly important that we take a holistic view of all social, environmental and economic aspects of the work we are delivering.” Henry Dunleavy, Senior Planner.

Temporary events and heritage assets

As the Royal Hospital Chelsea’s retained planning consultant, we have had the delight of securing planning permission for a host of internationally acclaimed events for over 13 years.  The events have included: Salon Privé London, Global Champions Tour, Treasure House Fair, and Masterpiece.  All have been hugely successful and host tens of thousands of visitors each year, all of whom can enjoy the Royal Hospital’s wonderfully historic setting.

We also enhance this historic setting by managing the Royal Hospital’s assets.  Most recently, this includes securing permission for a new bomb display to commemorate an attack on the former Soane infirmary, which is now the site of the National Army Museum.  It is a real honour for the DLBP team to be involved in such significant projects as although planning is usually focusing on the future of a place, that very often involves reflecting on and respecting the history of a place.

Housing for the elderly

We are incredibly proud to be supporting the delivery of much needed specialist accommodation for the elderly across the UK and US.  In the UK, we have secured planning permission for 2,508 care and nursing bedrooms at 28 sites across England and Wales since 2010, and have over 500 more in the pipeline. 

In our newly established US office, we have recently secured our first re-zoning permission for 90 residential senior living homes – called “Spring Lake Village”.

One of the most important aspects of being a Planner is really hearing, listening, and engaging with community members from the start of any planning process.  It’s important for us to convey how new development will enhance existing communities by providing new infrastructure and enhancing community cohesion in the form of increasing the variety of housing to allow families and friends to live closer to one another.  Upon explaining this and incorporating some of their suggested amendments, we were very pleased that they welcomed a new active adult community as something that would both provide much needed accessible facilities and fit well with the character of their community.” Devynn Glanz, Planner.