DLBP secures prior approval for large rear extension to a dwelling following previous refusal

Hounslow Borough Council

Overcoming Council’s previous rejection of a similar development

How we helped and added value:
Our client approached us to seek prior approval for a large rear extension at their property after receiving a refusal for a similar scheme on the grounds of it having an overbearing impact, and resulting in a loss of privacy and light, to a neighbouring property.

We conducted a detailed review of the site’s planning history and context, and the Council’s residential extensions policy, to provide advice on a number of design options. It was our view that a scheme could be designed to accord with the regulations whilst also meeting the client’s requirements.

We worked closely with the architect to prepare a prior approval application for the chosen scheme to achieve the largest extension that would comply with both

Class A, Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended), and the Council’s residential extension guidelines, in the event that the Council was required to undertake an assessment of amenity. We also supported the preparation of a Daylight and Sunlight Assessment to demonstrate that the proposed extension would be acceptable in this regard. As a result, the Council accepted that there would be no adverse impacts with regards to loss of light or privacy, despite previously refusing the application on these grounds.

Before the application was determined, the Council requested for the extension to be reduced in width by 2m due to it having an overbearing impact on a neighbouring property. We contested the Council's argument, citing policy and guidance as to why our scheme would not have an overbearing impact. We successfully negotiated a much more modest reduction of just 1.5m for just part of the extension. The Council agreed with our arguments and granted prior approval.

Our thorough and considered preparation of the scheme, followed by regular discussion and negotiations with the Council, successfully achieved the desired development for our client.